B&B IL PONTE -AIDONE![]() Il BB "IL PONTE" si trova in Aidone, un paese al centro della Sicilia, a circa 70 km dall’Aeroporto di Catania e a 10 km da Piazza Armerina che ospita la Villa Romana sito dell’UNESCO. ENG The B B is situated in Aidone, a small town in the heart of Sicily, about 70 km away from the Fontanarossa Airport in Catania and 10 km away from Piazza Armerina, the city of the world renowned Mosaics, of the Roman Villa which is part of the UNESCO heritage.Our B B overlooks Piazza Gen. Cultreri, the bus stop, and is near Piazza Filippo Cordova, the historical centre and business of the town. The lodgings include a room double/double, a triple with three single-beds, a bathroom and a kitchen. The Orange Room A touch of warm colour which recalls the Sicilian sun has been given to the room with a double-bed. The Green Room This is a room with three single beds which can become a double bed plus a single one. The room is large, bright and comfortable. The colour of the walls recall the surrounding fields and woods of which our territory is rich. The Kitchen/dining room, where you caen have breakfast, opens onto a covered terrace. Books and touristic brochures are available for guests. Why visit Aidone Aidone is a small town of 5000 inhabitants. It is 800 ft above sea level and its territory is full of history, culture and beautiful landscapes. It is not far from the three lakes: Lake Ogliastro, Lake Olivo, and the best known Lake Pergusa. It is surrounded by forests and protected areas, where there are trails suitable for long walks on foot, by bicycle or horse. It is located at the center of one of the most interesting archaeological sites in Sicily. There are the main sites: Morgantina and the Roman Villa of Piazza Armerina - both Heritage Sites of the UNESCO, as well as many other sites that range from the Bronze Age to the Byzantine Period - Sabbucina, Phylosophiana, Montagna di Marzo, Monte Navone and Monte Altesina. Like Enna and Piazza Armerina, it is a medieval town which owes its actual setting to the Norman period. Of the same period is its dialect the ’ Galloitalico’. Its climate in spring and summer is amiable, far away from the hot temperatures of the near towns and daily life here runs quietly and rather safely. Morgantina One of the most interesting archaeological sites of Magna Grecia, Morgantina, was found in our territory during the 50s. This is a vast archaeological park with settlements dating back from the Bronze Age, to the Greek Age and later to the Roman. Its center, which winds from the great Agorà allows the visit of the entire Greek Hellenistic city, with its public buildings, religious, and private - the Stoai, the Ekklesiasteron, the Theater, the Sanctuary, the Grain stores, the Neighborhoods, with the regular pattern of roads and the many well preserved houses (the House of Greeting, the House of Ganimede on the eastern hill, the house Pappalardo, the arch-tank House and the House of the Judge on the hill to the west). In summer the theater is seat to suggestive, night-time, classical representations. In August there is a performance in costume of "Morgantina rivive". Many rests found in the entire archaeological area of Morgantina are exhibited in the Regional Archaeological Museum in Aidone, hosted by the Church and Convent of St. Francesco known as ’I Cappuccini’. La Venere di Morgantina The subsoil of Morgantina has attracted many "tombaroli" (tomb raiders), who have plundered the site of many precious remains that, through the black market, have also reached the museums overseas, particularly Americans. The Ministry of Cultural Heritage, after a long negotiation, was obtained from the Paul Getty Museum in Malibu, California, restitution, among other things, the statue known as the "Venus of Morgantina", which now must return as soon as its original site (scheduled for spring 2011). Questa pagina e' stata visitata: 2759 volte Località: Aidone Indirizzo: Via Terranova, 67 Tel: 0935600015 E-mail: info@ilponteaidone.it Sito: http://www.ilponteaidone.it |